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Thursday 29 March 2018

Samsung Royal Dutch Shell, UAE government And Ontario government Mobile Marketing

Samsung Royal Dutch Shell, UAE government And Ontario government Mobile Marketing

Imperial Dutch Shell 

Samsung Heavy Industries will be the sole supplier of melted gaseous petrol (LNG) storerooms worth up to US$50 billion to Royal Dutch Shell for the following 15 years.[144][145] 

Shell divulged plans to manufacture the world's first drifting melted petroleum gas (FLNG) stage. In October 2012[146] at Samsung Heavy Industries' shipyard on Geoje Island in South Korea work began on a "ship" that, when completed and completely stacked, will weigh 600,000 tons, the world's greatest "ship". That is six times bigger than the biggest U.S. air ship carrier.[147] 

Joined Arab Emirates government 

A consortium of South Korean firms, including Samsung, Korea Electric Power Corporation and Hyundai, won an arrangement worth $40 billion to assemble atomic power plants in the United Arab Emirates.[148] 

Ontario government 

The administration of the Canadian area of Ontario closed down one of the world's biggest sustainable power source ventures, marking an arrangement worth $6.6 billion for an extra 2,500 MW of new breeze and sun powered vitality. Under the assention, a consortium drove by Samsung and the Korea Electric Power Corporation will deal with the improvement of 2,000 MW-worth of new breeze homesteads and 500 MW of sun oriented limit, while likewise assembling an assembling inventory network in the region

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